Wednesday night’s southbound tailback on the A102. A new tunnel feeding into this is only going to make matters worse.
We’re holding a public meeting about the Silvertown Tunnel on Thursday 12 November and we’d love to see you there.
We’ll be talking about why the tunnel is a bad idea, and sharing some of the things we and others have discovered in TfL’s small print. We’ll also have two special guest speakers. Dr Ian Mudway of King’s College London will be talking about air pollution, while transport expert Christian Wolmar will discuss the tunnel’s effect on the road network.
After that, we’ll be opening the meeting up for your questions. We’ve invited politicians from across the political spectrum, from MPs and mayoral candidates to local councillors, and we’re sure it’ll be a lively discussion. (Want to ask your local representatives if they’re coming? Use www.writetothem.com.)
We’ll also have a guest chair for the evening – Jonn Elledge, the editor of CityMetric.
The venue will be the Forum at Greenwich, Trafalgar Road SE10 9EQ, and the meeting starts at 7.30pm. The Forum’s a few minutes’ walk from Maze Hill station, and a short 129 or 188 bus ride from North Greenwich station.
If you can make it, we’d be grateful if you could sign up for the event via Eventbrite, so we have an idea of how many people will be coming, but registration isn’t obligatory.
It’d be great to see you on 12 November – please spread the word (here’s a Facebook page and a flyer/ poster to print off).
And if you haven’t already, please take time to express your opposition to the toxic tunnel through TfL’s consultation – we’ll be providing a suggested response very soon.